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Three generations of skill icons: The first were simple but didn't fit. The second you'll recognize, the third is new.

Why did I redo them?

  • I'm fixing the lower UI bar to be more visible on large screens. I would have to inflate the small, older icons to make them fit. Instead, I've re-made them at double the size.
  • Using the skills will become increasingly important into the late game as enemies will be too difficult to defeat with regular attacks. Improving the visuals should make them more fun to use.
  • Clarity. Dash is now very horizontal. Heavenly Chord is Hypnosis-pink instead of damage-red. Warpath does a lot of different things so now it's a mess.

I also reworked the icons that show traits (fast & heavy).

Once I finish the new system that the player will acquire (and keep?) skills then this update will be done! I'll finally be able to say that the "Core gameplay" is finished.

The day that I get to run the "New Monster-Girl" poll draws ever closer...




the icons look nice i like them they are a major improvement to the older icons especially the shoes one