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I'd love to get some opinions from you guys! Right now, Endless mode is just 'Endless'. There's no goal, it's basically a sandbox. I could expand this in three possible ways:

1. 'Marathon': One main game mode, keep trying until you reach the ending. You may find better resources further in (once progression is added).

2. 'Individual Missions' (Reward): Each run has a feasible goal you can achieve. Beating each mission will give you something important / allow you to progress. Later missions will give better rewards.

3. Missions (Lesser/no reward):  Each run has a feasible goal but there's no problem if you end up in 'bad ends' with the girls, you'll unlock new missions through gallery unlocks/resources/screens cleared.

Here's a primitive diagram:

Comment if you have any questions! For this first poll all patreon tiers are allowed to vote.



Will it be possible for healing skills and/or items to be implemented as well?


It will be easier to implement healing if there's more than one 'run', so it's likely.