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Ero Dungeons is a H-game based on Darkest Dungeons, but very lewd.

You manage a guild, and send out your female adventurers. They are to reclaim the lands surrounding it, which are corrupted by desire and lust. Manage them well, so they don't fall victim themselves to the spreading lewdness and turn into drooling lust puppets. Or make them work for you carrying loot as ponygirls or providing delicious nutritious milk.

As you complete missions you earn money to upgrade your adventurer’s guild, giving you the tools needed to overcome ever lewder dungeons.

Adventuring isn’t without its risks. Your girls may become too lewd and lusty, and let their desires get the better of them during combat. You’ll need to keep them under control and let them rest in time.

There are many different classes, including cursed ones that play on specific combat mechanics. A healing cow that’s slow and dumb in combat, or a masochistic prisoner that works as a front-line tank. There’s also tons of gear that is shown on the character and has intricate effects.

But even when corrupted, your girls will have hidden strengths. A maid may not be of much use in battle, but can keep the spirits high for other adventurers by diligently cleaning the barracks. In the same way, a cow is a great healer if you can get her boobs to be large enough

In the end, you can play the game how you want. You can let the lewdness flow over you, or discover complex synergies in all the fetish gear.

You can play the monthly public version on Itch, or subscribe to Patreon to get access to the weekly releases and a debug (cheat) console.




i dont like ero dungeons because there no easy only super hard and get butt kicked in 2 hit just frustrated and have restart over game so many time never be able beat one mission jeez harder no way not fair fight

ReY Scarlet

Extremely cool to see this cross-promo!


yeah, I actually enjoy the difficulty, but you are right. It is basically survival horror levels of difficult.