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Password: Hooked




I love your expressions and the way you're silently mouthing things that I don't get because I suck at lip reading LOL! Excited to see her watch the rest with you. Can't get enough of this show


I enjoyed watching another reaction from your mother to the show. I am a little bit curious why you did not get her to react to the pilot first because even though most of the info from that was scraped for full show there is still a connection to the pilot episode. also curious if a mother reaction of addict is going to happen because that will explain what valentino is personality wise. what ever you decide I can't wait for the next reaction. also when we get to episode 4 perhaps giving a warning to your mother about how emotional it gets with angel dust.


Oh dear, not Mama NSAF shipping Angel with his abuser! NO!


Are we okay with Not-So-Average-Mom as a nickname? It's really low hanging fruit and I was kinda hoping someone else would have said it first.


Episode 4 is going to be a rough ride

Kev Rink

I'm honestly not sure what's more entertaining. Your mom reacting or you mouthing lines and lyrics


Poor Elijah we all could hear your internal screams loud and clear everytime Valentino came up in discussion....