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Password: Dino




My interpretaion of what happened with the raptor-bot was she gave it an order to "be a nice dingo", which it had to follow because she's a company employee/technician/human then she called it a bad dingo which caused its AI to go all wierd and destroy itself, but we know a varietey of wierd things can happen inside damaged AI, the Solver I think is only one of them, so just by chance, it got all scrambled up and became a new thing. I think the space suit helmet hiding her face is why it thought she wasn't a human, because they're in an office building on a planet, so I assume identify humans by their face and realized afterwards. HOWEVER, by no means am I certain to be right about all that


I know they probably shouldn't do this cause it could cheapen the impact, but I really really reeeeaaally hope that ending was a fakeout and our girl will be fine. Or that she has a clone body ready like J... totally not biased cause V is my favourite character lol. That said, she'll probably be fine. I'd be surprised if she didn't have a clone body available.