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Hello my beautiful NSAFs! Hope everyone is doing well. Wanted to reach out and let you all know what’s bee going on behind the scenes these last couple weeks. Why videos have slowed a bit and also what is coming! 

To try to make this easier, I will break the topics down into sections: 

LIS2/Gaming Videos: With the random disappearance of my gaming channel, I’ve been in a weird place with figuring out what to do with future gaming videos. I have 2 more LIS2 videos done, so I may continue to post those on my current channel until I finish the game. As for future gaming videos, I’m still trying to figure out what to do about them. They hurt my channel more than they help because of YouTube’s algorithm, so I will keep you updated on what I decide! 

Why have I been posting less lately?: This is a great question! My apologies on the slowed content. That will not be permanent! I’ve had a few things going on behind the scenes that had been requiring my time/attention. (Family, friends, health, circumstances, ect…) Thank you for still hanging in there with me during my inconsistencies, but again, I do promise that will not be permanent! 

What’s to come?: So! Another reason I have been a bit distracted is because I have been prepping for a trip I will be taking the first week of August and will be away for 2 weeks. Don’t worry! I do plan on still working a little while I’m away, so there will still be some kind of content still coming out. I do also plan on making content where I’ll be going and I promise it’s going to be top tier, so stay tuned for that! :D 

What will I be reacting to next?: I plan on catching up with Murder Drones, then I will focus on finishing "Gravity Falls" and "Kipo". Once "Harley Quinn" and "Heartstopper" come out, I will also be reacting to those as well! 

Hope this helps to explain a few things. Stay tuned for what’s to come! 

Thanks again. :)



Did you know there is a Mean Girls musical? It's really good and I know you'd get a kick out of it.


I gotta ask 2 questions: 1: Where do I get one of the back braces? 2: Why do you always make my day brighter whenever I see your reactions? I mean seriously how do you manage this?


Just got 1 question, how come you don't have the full uncut reaction series of some things on here? I was hoping to get all of Amphibia to watch? ps I've commented about this on a few things so sorry if its annoying, if someone else knows the answer in the comments can u let me know? I'm kinda new here