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Password: Cotton Candy



Matthew Dunne

I find it interesting the way Blitzo stands defiant against almost everybody and whatever they say rolls off his back, but we see again how Fizz is the one person who gets under his skin; cringing in fear at the sight of him, having no retort to disparaging comments about his love life, letting himself be pushed around, and now crying himself to sleep over a thing Fizz suggested (even if, so far as we know, that actually came from the one in his head).

Arch Succubus Eclipse

Honestly I have gotten the feeling that every ring ruler is a LOT more complicated then we have seen and I honestly quite like that. And I do like that it was really only when Luna insulted her is when she got upset, I am not necessarily inclined to say that she is a good person yet because like I said all of them give the vibe that how they act and the things they do are a lot more nuanced then they can seem.

Kev Rink

Simping hard for Beelzebub, ain't ya?

Arch Succubus Eclipse

Honestly coming back to this episode because I think this is my favorite reaction she has had of this series so far. Just purely for how kinda sincerely she shows her emotions and how much she expresses both attraction and awe to a character, its just a bonus that she and I had the same reactions to queen bee.