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Password: Waddles



Kev Rink

In Dipper's defense, when he asked Mabel "Do you really want Wendy to date Robbie?", that showed that he wasn't just doing this because he likes Wendy. He cares about her and knows that Robbie is a piece of shit. Dipper knows that Wendy deserves, if not himself, someone much better than Robbie


Waddles was named by Aury Wallington, one of the writers for the show. She named him after her own pet pigs she owned during her childhood. Every year she'd raise, care for, and love the pig for months, and every year her family would cook and eat Waddles. She'd get another pig for 4H and the cycle repeated itself for years.


I was thinking: The time traveler sure does sound a lot like Morty...and indeed he is voiced by Justin Roiland. Of course this was way before Rick and Morty was a thing