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One of the best series finales I’ve ever seen.


And so ends one of my favorite shows of all time. I know that you didn’t enjoy it as much as most people, but I’m glad you can at least understand why it means so much to so many. In my personal opinion there are three kings of modern “kids” cartoons: Avatar the Last Airbender, Adventure Time, and Gravity Falls. These were the cartoons that showed the world that animated “kids” shows could have overarching plot lines and deeper meanings and themes than the mostly episodic shows we got before, opening the floodgates for so many other cartoons to follow in their footsteps and create something special. If it wasn’t for Gravity Falls in particular, I seriously doubt shows like The Owl House and Amphibia would even exist. After all, both Matt Braly and Dana Terrace worked on this show first. The mystery element this show had was almost completely unheard of. Even when an episode didn’t focus on it, it always seems to loom over everything that happens. And even if you don’t get that sense, it was always so fun to see what new creatures and adventures the mystery twins came across. There is so much hidden lore codes and mystery throughout this show, wether it be in the background, the credits, or the subtle dialogue and actions of the characters, that it’s impossible to catch it all in a single viewing. “Not What He Seems” is one of the greatest episodes of television ever made in my opinion. Also, I love just about every single character in this show. I connect with Dipper and his insecurities so much and he does everything with a sort of adorkable charm. His absolute curiosity and passion for the unknown also brings a real excitement to his character. And I know we’ve gone on about your feelings about Mabel, and yes, she can be a bit annoying at certain moments, but I’ve always been drawn in by how her outgoing personality gave off a sense of childlike energy, wonder and optimism. And personally, as selfish as she can be at times, I always found it to be a realistic and sometimes even relatable kind of selfish, and in the end, she was always loyal to her friends and family and she always tried to do the right thing. I just can’t help but like her for how well-intentioned she is. She and Dipper are honestly one of the best representations of siblings I’ve ever seen. The fact that none of the characters are perfect by any means, gives them a layer of realness that makes them even more interesting and likable for me. Even some of the lessons have a bit of a mature edge. Mabel learning the necessity of being aggressive and the greater good of telling lies, are bold lessons to teach young kids, and I really admire that about this show. It doesn’t talk down to kids. It’s not afraid to talk to them like adults, which a lot of shows that came after have noticeably taken notes from. Now that I’ve gotten all of that out of my system, while I may disagree with some of your criticisms, I accept them. And I hope that you’ll try watching the “Between the Pines” special so you can see some of the fun stuff that went on behind the scenes. Also the short films. They aren’t exactly essential or meaningful for the plot, but they are a lot of fun. And be sure to read the books. In my eyes, this show will always be a masterpiece. That’s not to say that it’s a perfect show. Anyone can tell you it’s not. But ironically, in my eyes, its imperfections make it even more perfect. Overall, I’m glad you could join the wild ride that is Gravity Falls. I’m excited to see what you’ll do next. Whatever it is, it’s sure to be awesome.


Alex Hirsch originally wanted to have Blubbs and Durland kiss when they reunited but Disney being Disney said "No". So instead Alex snuck a clever in-joke into the Birthday party where Blubbs and Durland set off a Cannon together indicating that they are "Canon".


And so the saga ends. Curious to see what you have lined up to fill the spot. I know a lot of us are chomping at the bit to offer recommendations but I figure if you want those you'll ask for them.


This is probably one of my favourite finale episodes from any show. It really feels like the perfect ending for this show. And that remix of the main theme during that fight is genuinely one of the coolest remixes ever lol. Also I love how they've ended up befriending everyone, even the characters and creatures they made enemies with before. It's a little sad you didn't enjoy the show as much as a lot of us, but I'm glad you still mostly enjoyed it. And I do think that Amphibia and Owl House are overall better shows with a similar vibe. it really feels like the people who worked on GF learned a lot and used that when they made their own shows. Edit: At the end now and just thought of this, but the Northwest family losing their fortune and mansion and Fiddleford gaining a fortune and mansion reminds me of some characters from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. There's a rich father and daughter and poor father and daughter who switch positions after a certain point in the game, and the rich father and daughter ends up becoming better people through being humbled. Completely random thing to remind me of, but still lol. But yeah, this ending is so so sweet. I love the party, the goodbyes at the bus stop, and the letter. Also, I joined the Patreon for the full Gravity Falls reactions, so it's a weird feeling at the end here. But I'm not going anywhere, there's plenty of other fun reactions that have come, and will come. I've gone quiet in the Discord server, but I'll try and start being active again soon. I look forward to all the fun future reactions 😁


And another thing, if you’re wondering what the Bill statue after the credits was, Alex actually put together a scavenger hunt for fans to find that statue. It’s over now, but you actually had to find clues and solve puzzles to locate it. It was pretty cool.

Matthew Dunne

Dammit, got to catch up on these. Have been waiting so long for Elijah's reaction to that remix scene.


I never realized it but the reason they haven't came back (yet) is because their only adult supervision isn't in gravity falls anymore, Ford and Stan left to go exploring so I bet their parents were like: "you can go back when they come back but we're not letting you stay with people we don't know". I guarantee if the show comes back, it'll be because the Gruncles came back...I need more, Alex 😭


hearing her say it could come back . . . it's been over for 8 years


It has been a pleasure reliving gravity falls with your reactions, still an amazing finale. And a little fun fact, that Bill statue that you see in the forrest after they defeat him actually exists irl somewhere. Do not remember where just that it does And about the backwards talk during his defeat, all i remember is a-x-o-l-o-t-l and then something something "envoke the ancient power that i may return" Great stuff


I think a series with them as older teens would be great


Thank you for watching and sharing your Gravity Falls reactions, Elijah. It's one of my favourite shows and I've had a blast with your content on it. I'm glad you enjoyed the finale, and the show overall. :D

Cory Howard

Loved these reactions. You should definitely watch the Film Theory MatPat did on what happened after the series ended.

Marisa Maribel

About the Chair of Human Suffering thing: It was established earlier in Weirdmageddon that if the people move from their spot, they stop being stones. It was shown when Lazy Susan slipped from her spot on the chair and turned back, and Bill pushed her back in place, which made her stone again. So it makes sense that if you move the “lode bearing human”(aka: the human in a spot that supports the structure), it would make the chair fall apart and everyone would move. Thus, they’re no longer made of stone without being part of the chair, or without Bill and the Eyebats to keep them in place. So it’s not a convenient thing, it was appropriately foreshadowed and works in the rules the show previously set up. Anyways, thanks so much for all the reactions to Gravity Falls! This is one of my favorite shows of all time, so it was a lot of fun to see your takes. Even if you didn’t love all of it, I’m glad you could at least enjoy it in some ways, and appreciate the finale for being great!

damightytrollface 10

Alex Hirsch revealed in a tweet that when the crew were writing the finale and brainstorming ways to defeat Bill, they forgot to erase the whiteboard they used. So for months anyone visiting Disney, they'd see a large chart titled: HOW TO KILL GOD

Kev Rink

All I can suggest for any additional Gravity Falls content to react to would be the shorts. As for something to fill in for Gravity Falls, I'm sure you'll post a poll or something, but I would personally suggest revisiting some stuff. Like you did with The Owl House's Enchanting Grom Fright. But shows you saw before making reaction videos, like Steven Universe, ATLA, or TLoK. Also, of course, the suggestions I gave you in my letter in your last reaction

Christopher Dulin

So there's the shorts, you can now read the "Journal 3" that you were gifted a while back, and in July (I think) "The Book of Bill" is being released. It's supposed to be for "older readers". Note that Barnes and Nobel has a special edition of the "Book of Bill" that has extra pages so I'd recommend getting that one.

Theo Dane

I don’t think you noticed, but the parachutes were actually made of all the different sweaters Mabel wore throughout the series

Theo Dane

It doesn’t have to be the end! You could still always watch the shorts or the behind the scenes special “between the pines” which I highly recommend! You could also read the real life journal 3 and the graphic novel “lost legends”.

Theo Dane

The real life bill statue at the end was actually teasing a real life scavenger hunt to find the statue called “cipher hunt”. Basically Alex hid a bunch of clues and codes all over the world for fans to find which led to the statue. One clue was a 2,000 piece puzzle. I highly recommend looking into cipher hunt. Some people have made YouTube videos covering the whole hunt and it’s really fascinating

Theo Dane

I’m kinda disappointed that you never decoded any of the codes or theorized about them. Like, why did you even bother screenshotting them in the beginning if you were never going to go back to them?

Theo Dane

I actually joined your patreon over a year ago just to tell you to react to the Gravity Falls shorts and the “between the pines” special so I’m pretty disappointed you never did ngl. But other than that I’m glad you enjoyed the ending and the series overall

Chris P3

There also happens to be a really good fandub of Lost Legends on YouTube.

Kitsune Prince

you should watch the film theory video on gravity falls. it helps clear up some of the lore you missed, and ads some context to what happens after the show to the characters. always glad to see you react to my favourite shows. good luck

Joey Quixote

I always forget how hard that finalé hits. Stan's sacrifice just... hurts. It feels like, for a moment, that he's actually gone. Stan finally gets to be the hero, but at what cost. I do feel like this is resolved too quickly, but they couldn't just leave him like that. I'm glad you enjoyed the show! I know it wasn't a favorite, and I'd hoped it would have had a bigger impact for you, but we can't win 'em all. Regardless, thank you for covering this series! It has been a delight. A very satisfying finalé. Part of what I loved about Bill Cipher is that he is very much to Gravity Falls what The Lich was to Adventure Time. You have this soft and cozy relatively low stakes world where lighthearted hijinks ensue. And then you have this existential threat that does not match the world at all. A true villain that operates by their own set of rules and is powerful enough to do as they please. Alex really wanted queer rep in the show, so it's a shame that this was the extent that he was allowed. Of course we also got the post-credits confirmation of Wendy being bi. And, make of it what we will, Mabel Pines was the sole representative from Gravity Falls to appear in the Chibiverse Pride Month short. Were the show to "continue": -I'd love to see the twins returning every summer, reuniting with their friends, having more adventures. -Further exploration into Dipper & Pacifica (Dipcifica). More of Pacifica breaking away from her horrible parents. There are plenty of fanfics and comics of these two that you now get to enjoy. -More Wendy, because Wendy.

Kyle Smilowski

We'll meet again, don't know where don't know when, but I know we'll meet again some sunny day


For those who may not know; The reason we see the Bill statue at the end was because Alex Hirsch hid a REAL Bill statue somewhere just before the end of the show. It's been found and taken home by whomever found it tho ^^;


Ah yes the Bill scavanger hunt. Alex was a genius to go through with something insanly complex as that.