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I'm glad you like Amaya! She's an awesome character


Just so you guys know, it's considered rude to call someone mute. It's not rooted in biological fact most of the time. It's rooted in the term DeafMute which has historical meaning as being used to refer to someone as dumb. When someone is deaf, we just call them deaf. Mute is something that hearing people often impose on deaf people because they can't communicate with them in the same way. it's just inaccurate because people who don't use spoken language often still have functional vocal cords and can make noise as easily as anyone can. It's not like deaf people can't communicate or talk, they just do not need to learn to speak auditorily when they can communicate in a way that's more suitable to them. Therefore, mute isn't what they are, nor is it a proper way to refer to a deaf person. However, I get what most people mean when they say mute, which is someone who doesn't/cant speak, and the more kind work to use in that instance (which is not the same thing as just being deaf), is non-verbal. Just letting you know for the future Elijah! :)