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Results of the last poll: Linear vs Branching

1. Do you prefer linear or branching scenes?

Base results:

Mixed: 84

Branching: 54

Linear: 8

No preference: 2

With Patreon vote bonuses:

Mixed: 101

Branching: 62

Linear: 8

No preference: 6

2. How many branching scenes do you replay with the Daydream Journal to see all the paths?

Base results:

Most: 96

Some: 38

Few: 7

None: 5

With Patreon vote bonuses:

Most: 113

Some: 50

Few: 7

None: 5

3. What's the biggest pain in the ass about 100%ing a branching scene?

Base results:

Choices that look like they go somewhere but actually just railroad me: 92

Important branches being at the end of the scene, making me have to spam-click through the scene: 41

I don't care about seeing all the branches: 6

Other: 9

With Patreon vote bonuses:

Choices that look like they go somewhere but actually just railroad me: 104

Important branches being at the end of the scene, making me have to spam-click through the scene: 55

I don't care about seeing all the branches: 7

Other: 9



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