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I've skipped another monthly update, huh? Sorry.

There have been many nsfw artists that out of the blue decided to close all accounts and vanish and I've always said I'd never do something so sudden and without warning.

So here we are, starting 1st September I'll officially go into an undefined hiatus. What does it mean? It means that for a long time (or maybe forever) i'll stop creating content and post it around. The 5$ tier will be disabled, while the 2$ tier will stay for donations and archives access. The discord will stay, even if it's already not much active anymore. My DM will stay open because i am not running away, i'll be there for a small chat or if you just want to check on me :D

I'll take a real vacation, i'll go on a journey with my friends, i may paint that miniature set forgotten on a shelf, i will... try to enjoy my spare time. Because as active creator i couldn't do it in the last 2/3 years. I know, i've taken some months of pause here and there and i could still take them now but... I could never stop from thinking of projects and how behind i was... etcetera. Even while i played Zelda in May i couldn't stop to feel guilty about the time i was taking for myself.

I wanted to make this my full time job but, it's not so easy in Italy and i'm starting to think my mental health would have exploded with all the responsability of being my own boss.

Beware though, i loved all of this. You guys helped me create this page and all the videos and pictures... all the commissions, steves, the whole LABau thing!!! When I started animating i was broken by irl stuff but now... i've grown so much also thanks to *this*. I'm so proud of me when i search weird tags on rule 34 and find mostly my stuff :D

Of course, i'd like to complete all the projects i've opened. Crusier Series on top of everything with Rory to follow, but I may come back one day with the episode 4 done and ready, who knows.

I want to wrap this up or i will write bad english nonsense forever. There are still 2 video commissions to complete and release before September and of course the August 4K reward. I wanted to warn you a month before because now that i've made up my mind you need to know, some of you might be here for long videos and those won't be coming.

Lastly i want to thank all of you for this years of support, expecially to Founders.
And to say you all I'm sorry, expecially to those who have just joined, i hope you will enjoy the content already here.

This is not a goodbye yet, we still have stuff to do!


TLDR: going on hiatus starting September, may not coming back! Everything will stay normal in August, thank you for everything!



Victor Sanchez

Pain, you’re one of the best in the business will be sad to see no more updates, hopefully life treats you well after this.


Thanks and again... sorry. Life has been treating me well giving me this community, but i need to take a real break.


You will be missed, you were always my favorite. I wish you well in this new chapter of life you're beginning, you've earned it. Fairwell