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11/03/23 - LINK: luxannaComplete.mp4 

Ten months is definitely too much to make a draft, but is finally here! I don't know how much will it take to get the audio from VAs and editor, but then i'll adjust lipsync, polish everything and render at double speed! If you can't wait here's the complete draft with subtitles!

17/02/23 - LINK: luxannaLEWD4.mp4

Ok this is an unnecessary preview. Nothing really happens except build up for the climax scene, but this file exists for a reason. I'm starting to contact some VAs and i had to show something! Also i think i've just promised that i'll finish the draft before March to one of them. That could mean doing some overtime but i guess that was me trapping myself to finish this video early!

03/01/23 - LINK: luxannaLEWD3.mp4

New Year! Time to respect those good resolutions promises! As i said in the last update i'm focusing all my vacations to complete the draft and move to polish and voice acting. In these days i animated about 1 minute! Maybe it's the fact i have opened this project in May, but i'm afraid people would find it... boring? Lots of dialogues and if you're not into the "hentai pseudo-science" thing it may appears as nonsense. Oh well, i always loved working for niche kinks. I hope you like how it's going! Now it's time for the climax scene and the ending!

22/12/22 - LINK: luxannaLEWD2.mp4

An update about Luxanna! I've spent most of November setting the LaraSeedbed series up! In December i've made some progress, 40 seconds to be precise. I hope to be faster now that i'll have a 2 weeks vacations, would be awesome to complete the draft before going back to my real job! Also i'm not very convinced about the quality of the x-ray anatomy models... I will try to fix them but i may work on it after the first video release and make an "improved version" later. If you know NSFW 3D artist that would work on female anatomy feel free to tell me by DM!

30/10/22 - LINK: luxannaLEWD1.mp4 

A new post to avoid editing the old one too much! Finally we're getting 'deep' in the lewd part of the video which i have no idea how long will end to be! The script is done, of course, but sometimes i get new ideas (patreon does not allow to write them here, lol).

Also i will add the date to every update so i can understand rythm of production.

Hope you enjoy! I suggest to comment the video on discord cause Patreon blocks some... 'keywords' x)

Hope you enjoy!




Wow. Its perfect.


Link doesnt work. :(


Ah damn.. no buttplug removing from the guys huh? :(


Sadly the project is already going for 5+ minutes length, which is a lot. I've decided to wrap it up for now, leaving all the ideas for future videos or maybe extended re-releases. Or maybe, just a different version with a different ending.