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Hello my dear all patreon How are you hope you doing well hehe XD 

this day i 'm decide to open a new tier pledge for who want to collect my previous monthly rewards pack  also need to received present monthly rewards too ! 

Here for detail of  this new tier pledge 25$ 


     - Open for limits slot  : only 8 slot ! 


      - You can get and access everything like pledge 15$ get ! [vote , Hi-res JPG , NSFW , PSD ,VIDEO ]


    - you can pick only 1 pack from  my previous  monthly rewards pack in each month after finished payment cycle on following of next month 

         [for example after i'm collect your payment on first of next month " may " absolutely you got " April monthly rewards pack " and you can pick one of my monthly rewards pack too ! ....i will mail to you after payment process complete         ! ]

                  here for list of previous monthly rewards pack that you can pick ! 

                         @ YEAR 2015 :  August  , September , October , November  ,December

                        @ YEAR 2016 :   COMPLETE ALL  12  MONTH ! 

                        @  YEAR 2017 :  January till to Present month .

       -  you can get OW bundle pack same like pledge 15$ get 


for more detail and special event /rewards for this" Collector "  pledge i will let you know again .

for now hope you okay with this new pledge ..if you had any question please let me know okie :3 

thank for always support me .


