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Hello my dear all patreon is me " Kachima " 

i'm need to told you that i had a plan to " long vacation " with my family and my wife on these coming " 2-12 December" [seem a bit long time around 3-4 year since covit-19 spread ]

  so ,the " November monthly pack " will send out to you on 2 december before i'm goes long trip.[if everything follow my plan]

now, i'm need to finished my last stuff for this month and prepare a pack .

hope everyone understand me and see you soon after 12 december.

P.s. i will keep update my patreon while on trip like upload sketch and vote . 

take care everyone .




Marcia Taylor

Have a nice vacation, Chanit. Hope you and your family enjoy it! We've had some great art from you this month, thank you! Marcy