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Hello my dear all patreon i'm Kachima how are you ? hope you doing well . :]

here is my status update again about what i'm decide to choose between " Shut down / Temporary Close " or " Stay on Patreon and Keep fighting again. " and yep, i'm decide

" Stay on Patreon and Keep Fighting again " ....no matter what it gone decrease or what ever . 

after i'm try to set up my mind and try to clear and re-thinking everything in my head also the financial situation it gone rough . and i had plan to had my " little Baby " with my Wife . that mean i'm need to try harder and don't give up as my best i can do ! 

  everything that made an income i must kept it as long as i can do ....also find a new way to made other income too. 

  and after i'm made a spare time and told everything to my " Wife " and my "Family " about the way to manage my patreon . they said for now i'm need to reduce my " EGO "  and do something " Trendy" for spread my art to attract other viewer...and new income source for survive .

That mean start on next month " September " till to as long as i can do [also my health handle ] i will 

###[KEYPOINT of Changing]####

   - ---  turning back to do more " Trendy FANART / NSFW 18+ again [but mostly focus on Pinup as usual..cuz, i'm need to prepare a pack to sale in gumroad too.]  "....i know this point it seem like " Lying " and " Not Keeping the word " that i'm said but ...for keeping " Survive " i'm need to do it !

------ Vote event will came back again  ---> for my patreon tier 2$ + can suggest character and everyone can vote it . ...if it not reach as minimum for open vote [4 character] i will suggest instead.

------- i'm need to do more dynamic view /pose on next coming stuff in future ... so, it that mean i'm need to used more tool like " Artpose 3D" for made dynamic pose happen and correct as i can do . 

------ some spicy scene like " pure NSFW, Sexual activity " for example " Male x Female " , " Lesbian " will include for tier 7$+ UP ....i will try my best to manage time of these " Spicy Scene " 1 picture for each  month and it will present for "NSFW version Only "

------  about my " BBD " well..............i'm always think about it . i'm don't forget it ,but i will manage a time to do it for sure ! 

in conclude  all Fanart and NSFW will came back also vote event like i'm did before. my BBD stuff will reduce for now . 

okay let Fight up again !!!!

and so sorry everyone for my previous post ..




Marcia Taylor

Do whatever you need to do, my friend. I'll support you any way I can. Marcy


thank dear marcia for cheer me up and kindly to support me ...i can't turning back now i'm need to move forward as long as i can do.


Just keep moving forward. Your fans here will back u up!


Try your best. Maybe more diversity on your drawings (pose, model...) will surely help to reach a larger audience. Still, I will continue to support your work the time you keep sharing your art on this site. Keep hope!


Keep moving forward for yourself and your family

Marcia Taylor

We're here for you, Chanit. Whatever you think is best. I still love your BBD characters! Marcy