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Hello my dear all patreon and my follower i'm kachima :] 

well, it seem a bit so looooooong time since i'm write a long topic don't sure on what month lol...guy, after i'm think and re-think about it in serval month since " March" about "NFT art " and the way of my art in future .cuz, it always remind me every time when i'm do my original project name "  BBD " 

     ..For who don't know what BBD mean ...it mean " Beauty but Deadly [i'm don't sure why i'm called it like this lol] but as you see mostly of my "BBD"  stuff was claim in my " Original Work , Original Project " so here shall we move to the main point of these topic :]

  here, i'm conclude it in 2 section for easy explain 


Section 1 : i'm still upload stuff on patreon as usual mostly focus on fan-art stuff [SFW,NSFW]     4-5 picture per month [include vote] like same...no any effect on it ...it mean you still got monthly on first of next month in each tier normally .  

Section 2  :  My " BBD " Stuff aka my " Original work " will upload full Hi-res File size only for NFT art [in Foundation or Opensea ] but i will upload a minimal file size in Patreon , Deviantart , Pixiv ,Twitter , Facebook for " promote" purpose only and BBD stuff  " will not include in Patreon previous monthly pack rewards "


[It seem like i'm do an Extra work]

so why i'm decide to move my BBD stuff aka original work for sale in NFT ..here the reason on below  


1. All of NFT stuff that upload for sale in " Foundation or Opensea " it must be " Original Create or original work not base from fanart / Fanart character in anykind of media and it would be SFW [i saw many work on foundation it okay with Sexy or nude for artist purpose ,but not in sexual purpose , Nsfw ,Hentai ]"...and so my BBD stuff is my original Create and i think it would be fit for that place.


2. follow from [ 1.]  it was my Major chance or good Opportunity for me that to present my BBD stuff aka my original work  to " Art collector "  

3. every time i'm do my BBD stuff ...guy trust me i'm give everything that i had on it to made it look perfect as much as i can do and always check my current art skill [it seem like practice] . so i  strongly believe it will give me back for much more of " Motivation and Inspiration " for do other art work in future for Patreon and other my art site. 

4. follow from [3.]  my BBD art stuff in each picture it take a bit long time on working process than usual fanart stuff on patreon upload . so that mean i can't do it more that 1 stuff  in every month or as bad 1 stuff in each month . [but i will try......and don't worry it will not effect on your patreon monthly rewards 4-5 pic i'm promise] 

5. now i'm get marry and it hard to said ....but true that i'm need to find for extra income in so many way as i can do [now i'm struggle ] for save my family daily life....and as you know the fucking crisis situation in " Thailand......government corruption till Financial crisis begin and Covit-19...yeah i'm lost my old generation family business ,cuz it and i'm nearly complete 100% work from home  "....guy trust me it hard to kept my family situation stable in these crisis. [and for my baby in future come.....it sad damn bitter but true.]  

## in conclude [for who lazy to read a long writing ] ...My BBD stuff [Hi-res File] will present on NFT stuff in "Foundation "  or  " Opensea " ...but in patreon it will keep it same ,but don't had my BBD stuff for monthly rewards ## 

please let me know what you think about it .

P.s. i'm study this case before from many famous artist on patreon for example " Skimichan ,Zumidraw , Zeronis and etc " and it work their look happy in that way they do . ..so i'm wish it will happen to me too. T^T

P.s.2 Hope you don't mind if my new BBD stuff " Nature Spirit " will present on my First NFT on foundation if i'm got invite in sooner day . and i'm promise i will do an extra stuff on patreon for next month . 

here my Foundation site [still waiting for Invite sob sob ....T^T] : 


that it all what i want to said ...hope you guy understand on this my action.

with love and thank for reading .


[Credit picture from google image search]






Marcia Taylor

You're just as good as Zumidraws and Sakimichan, Chanit.


Thank dear ,marcia speak truly if i’m success around 2-5% of their working life if would be achieved my overall goal life . T_____T