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hello my dear all patreon how are you ? hope you had a wonderful time on your new year vacation and celebration :]

first of all i'm need to said sorry to you for delay sending pack , cuz i'm just came back to my home town and rush to rendering video and prepare a pack ..so hope you don't mind about it. 

yep, the pack already send directly to your e-mail please check it and hope you enjoy your stuff . 

well, i'm need to said truly that this month will be a bit slow process of work ,cuz i got a cold while travel on other province ...and my other comic commission stuff it must finished in these early of this month[before date 10 January ] so the dead-line in next few day [around 1 week] ...well, don't worry i will try to manage my time and keep upload stuff on patreon as much as i can do . 

again hope you had a good time on these new year season .



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