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Hello my dear patreon follower i'm kachima :]

well, today i had some " serious importance notice  " for who interesting to become a  new supporter for my " kachima patreon page "   ..yep this is

I'm just active " Charge up front option "   

well for who don't know how it work i will short explain it  ...you will charge payment immediately upon pledging in this same day . 

for example if you pledge 7$ this day you will charge  and you will get "previous monthly pack in same day or next day.---please message directly to me  for notice okay !  "  [if you pledge on September you will get  August monthly pack ]  

So, why do i'm active these " Charge up front option " cuz 

  •    - i'm plan to upload all of my art stuff for patreon only visible .cuz i'm afraid to get mail from patreon HQ warning anymore !!  --- trust me it not fun as all !!! 

  •  - some new supporter who made an annoying behaviour like pledge and unpledge repeatedly many time in same day ---- in this case i'm got mail pledge from 1 person around 20+ mail in same day it seem like a spam mail and i'm not happy with it !! .

  •  - for made a clearly pledge section like pure nsfw stuff will upload only in tier 7$ + below tier can not access it .  

  •  - it was a good choice for you new supporter ,cuz you will get previous monthly rewards in same day as fast or few day as late .

well, that it all what i want to said for who want become a new supporter ....thank for reading and hope you enjoy my patreon . :] 

sorry for my english skill.



Marcia Taylor

This is absolutely the right thing to do Chanit! It's best to get people to pay up front so you don't have people mess you around. Marcy