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First of all .. December monthly rewards pack already send to your e-mail please check it and hope you enjoy your stuff :]

Thank for support me on " Year 2017 " 

talk about  year 2017 as you see  i'm do a lot of " Fan art " stuff in per month yeah the top list of fanart that i had done is " Overwatch fan art " and second is " Hero from Comics [Marvel,  DC , Top cow] " also BDSM [Bondage ] 

    ..well, i think in this year i will keep a time to focus on my potential art work and do for more " Original work " [not base on any fanart character] but don't worry i will keep " Fan art character " is on my top list for vote event  :]

think back on 3 year past the reason of why i'm open patreon is for everyone who love  my " real art style " can support and give a donation to me for cheer me up for do for more a good work :] ...this is what a truly core in what i mean to :] and i think i want to see this moment in this year :]

next let talk about my  " Art book " as you see i'm talk about it on 3-4 month past and then i'm silence  ,cuz after i'm put every quality of work that i had done to my own art book and see the first overall look  ...you know i'm see the mostly of art is from " Fan-art character"  [From Overwatch is the most and next is marvel ,DC comic] and my original work is quite few when see the top list T^T 

    ..friend i think my 1st own art book is must from my original art for the most of total art in book i think in this way it would made me proud <3 

in conclude about this year [for people who lazy to read my long write T^T] 

  -  reduce little some of fanart character suff  

  -   do more my original sexy work [also nsfw content] ..the mostly i'm focus is my " Beauty but deadly project "  [ BBD ] 

 -  and last made my patreon for public view soon ! [normally it hide from search ,cuz it contains of nsfw strict page ]    

hope you understand about this my action :] 

i'm really hope you enjoy my work 

so sorry for my bad english

