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I come to patreon only a  week,and choose the per creation(i am not sure if i could update per month stable) not the per month pay mode, so i don't very clear know the pay mechanism,the patreon said in the first day of month but i don't know  it is the' per month' mode or both mode is paid in the first day?Any one here know that?

So I will check in  September 1st ,if the funds transfer into my account, i will release the 1.081 , if not ,maybe as i guess , the funds transfer must be after i update a new version , if  it is the second mode,  i will spend more days to add more content to 1.081 and release it later.

And the old friends of offbtear,the site is shut down suddenly so i couldn't remeber all the pledger on it,but it should be email records in my mailbox, so if you had pledged the game on offbtear, you don't need pledge here again and you are still have the rights to get the game and rewards as i promise ,  all you need to do is  send a email to me and ask for it. 

If you want to pledge the game again,of course ,it's welcome and please acccept my great thanks!

我也刚来这个站1周,选择了按版本赞助的模式(因为我不确定我是否能每月稳定的更新,需要试试才知道)而不是常见的每月赞助模式,所以我不是很清楚网站的赞助转账机制,我收到的官方提示中有说是在 每月的第一天,但是我不知道这句话是指 每月赞助机制还是两种机制都是如此,不知道有没有在这混的久的老司机来解惑?





