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 The frozen remains of Iceland on the north side of the Endless Sea-defeat the Queen of the Ice Dragon and find ancient ruins in the deep. Can't go in-go back to Sean (Sand Country)-trigger the plot from the Sean family-chase Katrina- The place where Hot Sand Port is impossible——Yuefang——Yanying Country Shimen Town—Male hotel owner dialogue—Happy Square—Rescue M3—Go to the ancient ruins in the frozen ruins—Shimen Town Church defeats the priestess— Go to the floating temple on the left of Hot Sand Island to defeat the goddess-end.

The goddess can do it in advance, don't forget to prepare a necessary item to break her body immortal before hitting her.

All old skills of M3 are retained, and there are extra kinky skills.

The burst of kinky prints will increase the critical strike rate and some gains, but it will increase the sexual damage and increase the thrill value. When it is not good, the chance will directly enter HIGH.

In the outburst state, related skills will be triggered 100% of the time, otherwise there is only a 50% chance to trigger.

Escape to the second level. The merchants and enemies on the VIP level will drop a lot of gold coins, the power will drop gems, and there is money on the table to take away, so don't patronize on the escape road of M3. 

 *Any English user who has problem names ”GO UPSTAIRS IN HOTEL OF OASIS” due to not completed a sup-mission/quest names: the missing gardener”, after done this quest, you could be noticed a new sup-mission name : “the mysterious foreign beauty”, in the mercenaries premises in country of sand, complete this one, and you will BE ABEL to go upstairs!!! *



hello can i ask what you need to craft the anti_goodes bomb ?


帶M3到達冰凍遺跡中的古代遺跡之後要做什麼呢? 一直在裡面亂走,找不到主線

