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Just wanted to do a quick sketch today since I also wanted to put in a word of thanks.

Today was my mother's birthday, she just turned 58 and its the first time Ive actually been able to get her something nice and treat her out to dinner.

And its all because of all of you.

Without all of you here supporting me I wouldnt have done it, youve given me the chance to make my mother happy after years of financial struggle. I took her out to eat an all you can eat korean bbq and also got her an expensive gift that would make her life easier. Shes a single mom with 3 kids and she works her ass off even with crippling arthritis to put food on the table. Today I got to do that for her. You did that, all of you did. Ive never seen her so happy before.

I just want to say again;

Thank you all. Here's to many more years of this. I love her and I love you all.




So happy for you QTori!!!!!!!! 🫡🎉

Rossem Klyn

What a good bean with his mom