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Hello everyone!

I just want to start off by saying a HUGE thank you for all your long time support for the past few years! This patreon has helped me through the roughest of times and without it I would still be munching on those dry ramen noodles.

However, the way my patreon is structured currently has not aged very well. I created this system and pledge tiers back in 2017. Its been a solid 4 years since then and because of that my life has also changed dramatically, I have not made any changes to reflect that. This has resulted in terrible delivery times and a drop in quality to people that have pledge for the content they paid for. This is due to a huge change in my life circumstances and my failure to manage my time around it. Because of that, I want to apologize.

I'm sorry that I have not been able to deliver on these promises.

What I'm probably trying to say more clearly is that I want to be better and also be more truthful to you and myself on what I can deliver. 

Going forward, from May onwards there will be a lot of changes and I will start rolling them out gradually rather than doing it all at once in the event that it might destabilize the whole system. (Patreon is already inherently very unstable and janky)
Here's what to expect (Rollout of changes expected in this order):

1. Removal of the $30 Patreon tier 

This tier contributes a large amount towards supporting me monthly, but it is also the most overwhelming tier for me to produce. The pricing and promises on what I can deliver is a leftover of what I use to be able to do and deliver back in 2017. This no longer applies in my current life circumstance as it is EXTREMELY overwhelming and no longer in line with how I price my work per hour(i.e commission rates). If you are currently on this tier and I still owe you artwork, do not worry! I still plan on delivering them to you. Keep your eyes on your DMs as I will soon update you all accordingly. 

2. Downsizing of my $15 tier

My weekly schedules have changed dramatically and I want this change to reflect that. I can realistically only be able to handle one student at a time with long contact hours to help them along. Everytime this one slot tier becomes available I will be sure to notify in advance on here for those that want to jump in on it asap! The only way I see myself opening more than one slot on this in the future is if I hire someone to handle multiple students for me at the same time. That is not in any of my near future plans as of 2021. 

Now onto some good news!

3. Expansion of $5 tier!

The $5 Tier will now grant you the ability to vote for monthly patreon user voted content! This is where I will be diverting most of my energy going forward in 2021. Yes this also means that monthly patreon voting is making a proper comeback! So if you want to start having a say in the content I create on this platform, join in soon!Together with this, I know I've not been properly delivering on the PSD files as promised. I will not make excuses on this one besides my layer cleanliness is an absolute hellscape to understand and thus I will start going back cleaning old psd files and start releasing them periodically with newer releases!

4. Expansion of $3 tier!

The $3 tier will now include mini tutorials as part of its rewards! After teaching several students I've since streamlined a few methods to drawing fundamentals! If you're anxiously waiting for the $15 tier to pop up, you can get a piece of the pie through this tier. I dont guarantee I can release tutorials monthly and only usually when I have a eureka moment I can put into tutorial form.

5. Changing my patreon goals to something I can actually create!

The current patreon goal tiers make no sense as like previous things mentioned, were drafted back in 2017 which I have since delivered on.  Because of that I will soon make changes to better reflect it and to meet new goals all of you may actually want! A new audience deserves new content.


Annndddd that should be about it! These would help me better manage how I deliver my work to all of you and also not burn me out to the point of health concerns. Im not baby QTori from 2017 anymore; full of energy and excitement. I have to better pace myself to ensure I dont cause permanent injury and hopefully at the same time also deliver much higher quality art to everyone.  

I just want to say sorry in advance to those that might have had different plans in mind for this patreon, I have to better take care of myself so I can continue to this for much longer. Art is my passion and I also love sharing it to the world. If any of you decide that this is no longer in your interest I totally understand in you removing your pledges and I hope to see you all again when I can give you the content you desire. 

Lastly, I want to thank you all again for your continued support over the years and the years to come! Without you, my art would have never come into being especially this far down the line. Im so excited to see what I can continue to make for both me and you soon!




All the best! happy u are making changes, i too have had to revamp a few times as i become more aware of what I can handle and create, its like always a process to figure out! glad u are doing thats best for u


It's definitely healthy to reevaluate things every so often! Happy and excited to keep supporting, and glad you're taking care :)


Really glad to see youre prioritizing your health! Baby qtori is all grown up :,)


Yeah definitely! I think I just didnt realize it sooner that I was overpromising then overstressing, overworking and not delivering on these insane promises. This way if I cut back and really see the scope of what Im able to do I might be able to actual deliver and still not wreck my health :PP