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Hey all! Been a bit silent because I've been doing some super sekret work for local companies. 

I've just gone through the review stage and Im happy to share with you the ones that didn't get improved but I really liked anyway :D

Also this teaser text thing is kinda weird |:

Gonna try to keep them in one post

The ones that got past review are going to be sold at PAX Aus this year, get some if you're there o:




Cool... So... Is this for some kind of IP? Something existing or unannounced maybe? Comic, tv, game? Sure looks like it 🙂


Well, not these ones in particular. The company i work for already had a male mascot for their logo and they wanted a female also featured with their brand so they contacted me on it o: As for if its a game, not for the girl, but the ones for an actual unreleased game I cant show so I dont break my NDA :P Don't worry its not a AAA game or anything.


Ahhh, this is so cool! Makes me think of cyberpunk, tbh. :)


It actually is! Lots of people are getting in that Cyberpunk mood because of Cyberpunk 2077 and the recent Blade Runner o: