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Just a heads up everyone, thought it be better to let you all know whats going on with me at the moment.

My parents had recently started a new business and I was involved in making all the design/menu work. I mean ALL of it, they thought it'd be cheaper to hire someone in the family rather than someone from the outside. So that means I've been working close to 10 ish hours a day for 7 days a week for almost a month now. 

Here's the good news! Im getting very close to finishing a huge project with them. I'm aiming  to get it all done tomorrow which is 25th March 2018. Hopefully once that's out of the way I'll resume all patreon rewards and patreon posting! 

Thank you everyone that stuck around for most of March even though I barely posted anything ^^; I'll get lots of stuff in before the end of the month!



*throws support and friendship at yo face* No worries!


All good, and hope your parents new business does well.