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Yeap, spoiler warning for those that have not played the latest episode.

Actually Im not sure, since this doesnt really spoil much but I'm just being careful.

As soon as I got done with Farewell I hopped onto Photoshop and just churned this out. I FEEL'D FOR THE WHOLE DAY.

Tell me what you guys think :P

EDIT: Attached the file to the post because I've learned of the horrible compression patreon does to image posts.




A tragic send-off. Well-written, beautifully acted. Thanks for this, Q. Thank you. :) <3


It was a cute episode! And this is a cute bit of art for it.


Fuck you're good


Really loved how the episode played out, and the acting might have been the best I have heard from any of them. And now I'm probably going to get the same feels whenever I see this picture as well reminding me of it.


I know what you mean, its still resonating me after I was finished with the game a day ago.


Now whenever I hear even the slightest bit of the song "Black Flies" I start to tear up 😭