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I am currently aware of the changes to patreon's fees for patrons. Even tho I get more of the final payout, you the patron are now paying an extra percentage base on the processing fee per artist you are supporting. I would have rather you have control over that rather than patreon taking the reigns from you. If you are unhappy by how much you are being charged for this, I completely understand if you choose to remove your pledge. 

To those that have already removed their pledge, I thank you for your contribution to my work thus far and I hope to see you again in the future. If you decide to stick around, bless you for taking the brunt of this horrible transaction change that NO ONE asked for. I'm just hoping now that Patreon backs out of it and rolls back on this.

If you would like to learn more about what got change: https://www.engadget.com/2017/12/08/patreon-fee-change-will-hurt-small-contributions/

Or just google patreon, the whole internet is in an uproar about this.



Please keep us informed if you have alternate ways of supporting you. Some might just be trying to hurt Patreon and would like to keep supporting you (I hope) so if you do end up with alternate funding options, they might be interested.


There are now officially no people I support on Patreon that haven't complained about this change, haha. I do wonder how they decided to green light this with the apparent overwhelming unpopularity ... but I fear I know the answer is simple bottom-line greed. Anyway, I'll keep supporting you wherever you decide to go or what platform you decide to use. Patreon is still very convenient for me in a way that (for example) ko-fi isn't, with the automatic reoccuring payments seeming more useful for me to give artists some semblance of a steady income.


Will do! This may take a lot of planning to really go through with it but I think I'll still be sticking with patreon in the mean time!


Yeah, I'm still waiting for them to go "lol we're kidding rolling it back". But yeah, I'll still be sticking with Patreon for a while since trying to come up and shifting over to a new service is going to take a lot of time I dont have. Thank you though!