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Paul Fuller | Mantra Enchanter/Maw of the Void | Level 21/18

Strength:20(+2) modifier x22

Endurance:20 modifier x40

Agility:20(+2) modifier x22

Perception:18 modifier x22

Intelligence:25 modifier x40

Wisdom:16 modifier x22

Charisma:11 modifier x22

Luck:16 modifier x22


Stamina: 400(440)

Stamina Regen(M):880


Mana Regen(M):352

Mantra Enchanter Abilities

Rejuvenate:  Heal 200 hp over 30s

Minor Wind Walk: Increase agility by 2 for 30min

Minor Giant Strength+: Increase strength by 2 for 10min

Enhanced Shield: Shield that absorbs 18% of damage for 5m

Area of Denial: Produces an area 1m in radius around you that is inviolate lasts 30s

Healing touch: Heals target within 25m range for INTx.5 modifier

Earth Fist: Deals Earth damage INT x .38 Damage Modifier to target within 25m range

Endure: Increases maximum Health by 10% for 60 min AOE-allies within 20m

Rock skin: Increase physical Defense by 10% for 60 min

Cleanse: Cleanses the body of most impurities and diseases

Flurry of blows: You can strike the target with a series of rapid strikes, the number of consecutive strikes is based on AGI modifier (caps at base Agility score)

Seismic Strike: Causes a rippling wave of earth to deal weapon damage to everything within 20m stumbling everyone hit by wave

Imbue: Imbue your weapon with elemental damage for 60m. Must choose damage type when activating the skill - cannot be changed while active

Stunning Gust: Your attack produces a gust of wind that causes weapon damage and has a chance to stun the target

Second Chance: Resurrection doesn't exist but this spell comes close. Restores the health of target to intelligence modifier of caster, if target suffer a fatal blow while spell is active. Does not remove any spells or status effects that were active on target before death, duration 6 hours after cast

Impact: For 30 min has a 30% change to inflict 3x the damage of your weapon with a strike

Blink Step: For 5 seconds your agility is multiplied by 3x

Multicast: Allows you to reset a skill cooldown up to 2 times for any spell under the level of your intelligence score. Each recast doubles the mana cost of spell. Recast cost resets after 1 hour

Elemental defense: Boosts elemental resistance by 20% for 30 min

Godly might: Increases Str by 100% for 30sec

Eye of the storm: Staff Only: You spin your staff causing howling winds to surround you covering a 10m area and dealing 15 damage per second

Banshee's Wail: A focused shockwave of sound emanates from your mouth, stunning all those within a 10m cone in front of you for 5s and reducing Wisdom by 1 for an hour to all those affected.

Protection: Increases armor by 2, increased chance of blocking, parrying, and evading strikes by 10% for 3 min

Regenerating Rain: Instantly heals target for 30 hp and 10 hp every 2 sec for 30 seconds

AURA of Rage: Once per day you can cast an Aura of Rage. Aura covers 20m, anyone caught inside the aura will feel fear. Only those with higher endurance than you can resist the fear. You temporarily gain one point in all of your attributes for each individual affected by your aura while it is active.

Disruption: Causes a wave of rock that shoots from the ground in an arc in front of you, causing weapon damage. 30% chance of disrupting any active ability of targets hit. Max range 10m, max-width 8m,

Shroud: A misty veil covers an area 10m3 x Int and lasts for 10 minutes obscuring all vision

Calcifying Strike: Your attack slowly converts the target into stone. Spreads 2cm2 x Int per sec until cleansed. Lasts 5 min

Wings of the Falcon: Produces large wings capable of propelling a person into the air for 15 seconds.

Mana boost:  Boost Mana recharge by 50% and mana pool by 10% for 10 min

Body Like Stone:  Increases resistance to knockback, stumble, and disorientation effects by 20%

Reverberating Strike: For the next two seconds all of your blows bypass armor

Beacon: Your challenging shout draws the attention of all enemies within a 20m radius. For 10 sec you are the target of everyone's aggression

Shockwave: Your weapon produces a shockwave of force that strikes target within 25 m for weapon damage and stuns them for 5s

Song of Carnage: Increases crit chance by 20% for 30 min

Silence: This word of power creates a wave of silence that flows out from you and covers ten feet and lasts for thirty seconds. No spells requiring verbal components can be used within this area, including yours

Maw of the Void Abilities

Sunder Skill: 100% chance to randomly claim a skill from your opponent. Requires an open skill slot or skill is lost to the void

Reclaim: Sacrifice a skill to the void to reclaim a skill slot

Void Lottery: Sacrifice two skills for a random chance to gain a skill from the void. Require an open skill slot or skill is lost along with the skills sacrificed.

Frostwave: Produce a 10m long cone of freezing air that coats everything it touches in ice, reducing Agility by 3 in the area and causing anyone caught in the spell to take INT x .2 modifier frost damage.

Double Strike: Causes your next attack to deal double the weapon damage.

Victorious Shout: Your voice is a beacon of hope to your allies! Reduce damage to allies by 20% for three minutes.

Corrupting Touch: Your touch causes the affected surface to quickly decay and petrify dealing INT x 2 damage per second for ten seconds.

Arcane Bolt: Fire a bolt of arcane energy that deals INT x .15 modifier damage to one target within 20m.

Cannibalize: Reduce an item to its component parts or extract precious ores. Item must be held to be applicable.

Underhanded Blow: Aiming for sensitive areas enhances your agility by 2 for that attack.

Maddening Laugh: Inflicts Madness debuff on all enemies within hearing range. Bypasses any attempt to negate sound. This insidious spell pierces the mind of its foe, unseen until noticed. Intelligence and wisdom are lowered by one point for each stack. Lasts one hour or becomes permanent if stats reach 0.

Orb of Darkness: If this orb hits its target it will be inflicted with a random curse. Curse lasts for 24 hours. Spell cannot be recast until the curse is broken.

Curse of Weakness: -3 Strength

Curse of Apathy: -3 Endurance

Curse of Sloth: - 3 Agility

Curse of Myopia: -3 Perception

Curse of Feeblemind: -3 Intelligence

Curse of Infirmity: -3 Wisdom

Curse of Leprosy: -3 Charisma

Curse of the Fool: -3 Luck

Unstoppable Force: For 15 seconds you become an unstoppable force of nature, immune to physical damage as well as any effect that can slow or hinder movement.

Charge: Allows you to charge across a forty-foot area at double your movement speed

Time Shudder: Rewind or Fast forward time by one second. Time catches up to us all but you most of all

Energy Lance: Imbue energy into your next attack to produce a spear of concentrated mana that shoots from the tip of your weapon and explodes on impact dealing Str x .5 modifier explosive damage.

Annihilator Sphere: Conjure a sphere of destructive energy that turns a one-meter sphere around the point of impact into dust. Deals Int x .6 modifier damage. Damage reduced by 2% for each point of Endurance the target has. If the remaining damage is over seventy percent of the base damage, the area hit by the spell is vaporized.

Overcharge: Overcharge a spell with 20% more mana for a 20% boost to range and destructive power.

Brimstone: Conjure a wall of hellfire that deals Int* .3Mod damage to anything it touches. Targets also take 1 Permanent Charisma damage for every ten seconds the fire burns them. Lasts 2 min. Hellfire can only be extinguished with holy water or holy sources.

Clinging Spray: Spray a cone of adhesive gel in a ten-meter area that tangles up and sticks to everything it contacts. Reduces movement speed by 80% for 10 sec.

Cage of Vengeance: Erect a cage of damaging energy that traps anything within. Cage dimensions are 10m x Int. Cost half casters full mana. Cage causes Int damage every second of contact, cage can be shrunk to half its area at the cost of a quarter of the casters full mana increasing damage to 2 * Int. Upkeep of cage is half casters mana pool, or three quarters if the cage is shrunk. After releasing the cage, mana regeneration is reduced by 50% for the full cage or 75% for the smaller cage for 1 hour.

Forest Stride: Instant movement to another tree within sight. Must be touching a tree to trigger.

Pearlescent Vortex: Create a glittering vortex around a target, that confuses senses and renders them trapped in an illusion. The effect of the spells is based on your Intelligence score and will fail to take hold if the target has a higher Perception. Lasts 20 sec or until disrupted.

Festering Wound: Causes the next open wound you inflict to start to fester. Deals 2 damage per second until removed. This is considered unholy damage and can be Cleansed.

Point Defense: A burst of magical energy will automatically intercept oncoming projectiles, destroying them. Lasts for 30sec.


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