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Made it to Chapter 20 of Tarnished just in the nick of time. This will be the last chapter I post of Tarnished until the series goes live on RR on the 20th. I plan on doing two chapters a day for the first week on RR, so Patreon will see an additional ten chapters that week. And 5 more the following week. I'm not sure if I'll be able to make 2 more weeks of that happen, but I will give it my best try.

I will also still be posting BSE chapters until I reach the 20-chapter mark. Which is coming up soon. Another four chapters to go there. I plan on Launching BSE on RR on June 3rd. And would like to do the same launch method, but I am quite a bit further behind in writing on BSE, than I am on Tarnished.

After the initial month of launch for both stories, it looks like I should be able to maintain two chapters a week for each. At least without pushing myself too much. Maybe I will be able to up it to six if time permits, but I won't promise anything at the moment.

On to Norman news! I got my manuscript back from my editor. I'm about halfway through checking it and making a few changes on my end. If everything goes to plan, expect an Amazon preorder release for the book in early June! I have not reached out to an audio publisher yet as most of the audio-only pubs want the book to be released first. So we'll see how that goes.


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