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The monthly update! Link to the EXE:


What is new?
-Such a love scene with Chani! Not only sex, but romance and all these stuffs.
-Jessica shows more.
-Talk with a Guild Navigator. The village is crowded now...
And details like you can roll over the boobs to make them move. It's kind of funny.

Link to the HTML version:
Link via MEGA:

Next episode will be about the bad guys and Jessica.




Mega link? Anybody using Windows defender can't download from zippyshare.


So when is the time to the updating of this game end?


Hello! The game will be finished in january 2017. After that may be I'll update it, but the game will have a beginning and an end at this moment.


Excellent update!


More of Lady Jessica!!! Thanky;)


Awesome! When can we expect the next build?


Great Update ..... love this game


Good stuff David! I noticed on the guild navigator's tanker there is some circular detail in the front. Could it perhaps open...?


Awesome stuff! Although she shoots us down, I'm still holding out for a scene with the navigator! I noticed the access port on the front of her tank lol.


I really really love Jessica's look in this patch!!!


My computer will not download this


How do you travel with jessica with the new hair doo? and is there more with the navigator??


Outstanding! I love this game, please continue the fine work.


Hello Stonekhan. I wonder how many people liked Jessica new haircut. Maybe the player could ask her to keep this haircut for ever. I think Jessica will stay in Sietch Ergsun until the player has the palace back. Nothing more for the navigator for the moment.


I need a lot of time to code (I definitely need a developer for next game... or change my methode) so next build is in 1 month. But I will share the progress before that. Squetches of Shaddam, Vladimir and maybe Irulan.


Arf... it's not planned for the moment. I note your expectation. I will see at the end.


Excellent! Keep up the great work, man!


my comp says there's a virus and wont download


It's not a virus. Some anti-virus don't like flash and EXE files I guess. Can't you turn it off ?


Thank you Hex. I'm glad you it. The guilgian has the biggest boobs of the game. I'm not surprised you like it :D


Im super fuck off excited about jessica! She is definately my fav


A little problem, when am digging for Spice, it's going into - rather than +. which makes it impossible to buy harvesters.. seems like somehow the negative and positive modifer is reversed? (played normally from start)


David can you release a high res image of Chani naked please? It' such a shame to see her legs cut off by the text box (same goes fr all your art hidden behind that thing).


Jessica looks so beautiful naked and her hair down, you must give us a high resolution picture of her. Your doing god's work my good man!


Thank you for trying without cheating. You are right. Everyday, there is a -200Kg because of Emperor taxe. I see it's too much when there is only 3 Fremens troops helping. I will do differently next upadate.

troy jacquet

Is there a patch where i can play it on my phone or ipad. My labtop is not working and until I get a new one i can't do anything else and i really want to try this out because i only tried the ones on deviantart.


I really like your project. Will it be possible to do lots of things with "the voice" in later versions? I'd love to see that ;)


Well, this is pretty cool to see the things you have in mind for your game like gholas, the Voice, all stuff that was not there in the original game (please, just don't put Weird Modules in the mix, as much as I enjoyed the movie, I'd rather like you to stick to novel ...). Anyway, for all those good stuff, most people around are basically wondering when Jessica will fuck lol.


I sent a HD pic in your rewards. She has no legs though :( I just draw the minimum.


Thank you. I have put a high resolution pic in the rewards since you asked.


Sadly, I did not plan to do an app for phones or tablet.... but i think more and more about it. I will tell if i do. Did you play on Deviantart from your tablet? If yes, try the navigator version of Behind The Dune and open the HTML file. I guess it should work too.


Don't worry. There will be no Weird Modules. I will stick to the novel... same end, but i'd like an alternative end too. I'm on it right now. For jessica, it will be this month.


Good job. A few more sex scenes would not be bad. For example, One with chani on a sandworm. Or finally, in the film comes the pretty daughter from the Imperator to Dune.


Hi, In some of the upcoming updates. Jessica could have sex with Paul. And the other workers (refem), could make the scene of the pee. And it could have a scene with the chani where she does a boobjob, or handjob and during the breasts shaking. And good work, the game is getting nice. Thank you


i would love a sex scene with the revered mother


Great game so far! Though any chance of acquiring a Carryall or two? ;)


A carryall? Not really. Why do you ask that? It's not a good idea to drive on Dune. :)