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The last version:
The game starts to be long to test, so I added on the map a "Go to the last scenes!" button. So you arrive in front of the last completly new sequence. And later, go meet the Fremen with a scar.

The 5th version has bring many new contributors. Thank you for all this support!!! I can now spend more time on the game. September should be a big month: It's time for Stilgar and Chani to enter the scene.

Navigator version:




Yes! I'm so glad the new version is out. Any plans for new scenes with Lady Jessica?


I hope you enjoy that version. I can't wait to have feedbacks. The new main sequence is special. For your question I will say that I first want to finish the skeleton of the game, then I can add extra scenes. A new scene with Lady Jessica is not planned in the skeleton, so it would be an extra scenes at the end. I will do more of the smuggler before. But I note your interest for Lady Jessica.


Windows Defender keeps identifying the files as a Trojan : Win32/Spursint.A!cl :-/


the hype is real *3* scanned on virustotal (55 active and up to date antivirus scanner) no infection found it's a false positive from windows defender (The SWF file makes use of ActionScript2, Some exploits have been found in the past targeting the ActionScript Virtual Machine. Note that many legitimate flash files may also use it to implement rich content and animations)


Does that mean you can't open the file? D: Because the file is completly safe, i coded every line.


Can you zip and reupload? I can't get Windows Defender to leave it alone...


You guys can go into Security Essentials (Windows Defender) and select a folder that it won't scan. Create a folder, say, a Downloads folder on C:. Open Defender, go to Settings > Excluded Files and Locations and add that folder. Then download the game to that folder.


Thanks for your technical advice. I reuploaded the file into a ZIP, thinking it would prevent from the automatic delete.


No worries. It's a simple fix on our part. I was trying to save you the trouble of having to change the file format and re-upload it. ;)


The link in the original post still goes to the .exe - is there a new link? Thanks again! Very excited!


it made me laugh so hard when she collapses, thanks a lot it was worth the wait


Scenes were very interesting this time to say the least especially when you choked her with your dick but great stuff as always!


A creative way to kill your enemies, bravo!


Um, a pee scene or scenes like that in general might benefit from some sort of a warning. Or even a switch in menu. Or else they can somewhat ruin experience for those not into certain stuff.


Peeing is a important way =)


Yes mate. Love the story, love the art. But if Kortney Kane is not in the future I will not love that. And the peeing scene was very good. Please keep the hard work coming and I will stay .......FOREVER. P.s. Just changed my pledge. Was going to the 40 but no room :(


like how the scenes make sense to how the story is flowing


Oh.....right.... i will try to code that... or put a warning...Good idea, so i can make my mom play the game!


Not able to download the zip version :( where's the link for it now?


I think the trojan issues are because some upload sites are hacked, and they can then (especially with flash game) add malware to your zip. Try using mega.nz, I've never had a problem with them so far.


Could we have a new link please? Neither of the two in the descripion works...