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Hello everybody!
As you know, I like to play with 3D. I show you some things I worked on when I'm bored. I can't share 2 pics for some guidelines reasons. If you are interested in this content, I remind you that I made a Pixiv Fanbox. Same rates... The difference is that the genitals are pixilated (no platefrom is perfect).
I'm happy with her face. Also, the blue alien at the end was random creation, but it could be nice to meet her again.




Some artists I follow on Fanbox get around the censor requirement by having the uncensored available in a zip for download


Hi David. Do you know VAM?


Hello CyaSu! No. What is it? When I google these 3 letters I have many different answers.


The full name is Virt a mate. That is an amazing 3D game. I think you would be interested about that.

Kevin Daley

some just post them with the same mega tab folder. patrion doesn't really look past the initial download link if they look at it at all. which in all honesty probably dosnt matter because at that point its a mega issue not a patrion one, and mega gives no shits because unlike patrion their regulations are different and so much less restrictive (aka nothing illegal, and/or hate porn filled if they find out they will call the cops on you)


You are probably right. But a guy blackmailed me 2 years ago, and since I did not gave him what he wanted, he stricked me a lot to Patreon saying I have loli content. It's true I used to have a hidden hard to find scene, but I moved the game on BalsaGames.com, and now, I keep Patreon clean.


Sorry Musterduck, did not saw your message!!! The answer is yes. The vesions of Behind the Dune here are old. There is more things on Balsagames.