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Here is the finished version of my parody.Sketch here.

I saw the movie. Visually better and bigger than what I imagined when I read the books.
It's an adaptation, so it has the same problem as most of them: it's short so it scratches the surface, but I was surprised and impressed by the performance of 2 actors. Also, Villeneuve came with many interesting ideas and clever details to feed Herbert's world.

... For the BTD players, expect to smile a couple of times. Like, why does Jessica look so intensely at Paul's naked back near the end ?!!!

I've created a new thread on discord. I'll pass on it to share the experience with those who saw it too. https://discord.gg/UME9YdD



BA Baracus

You mean when they change into their stillsuits? I noticed that, but I saw it as BOTH of them taking a moment. Did Villeneuve add that, or was it in the book? Also I couldn't help smiling during Paul and Jessica's first scene, with him using the Voice on her.. 😏

BA Baracus

very nice artwork again btw! 👍🏻👍🏻 I noticed your linework became a bit rougher around the edges in the last few months? Tbh, I preferred the very precise look from before, but this is also cool, just different! :)


Because Lady Jessica saw her father in Paul :P


Ok, thanks for the illustration above, I guess it should be exciting and fun. Let's see


Great illustration! And this movie was fun, but I still prefer the one from 1984. I just love the theatrical drama & detailed worldbuilding that goes on in the old movie :)


Une petite version style film 2021?


I agree. The old movie had more time for world and character building. Its impressive that this movie is long but has less story. We didn't even have one of the most iconic lines from Dune: 'the sleeper must awaken' with Leto. Smh. Still was a fun watch, just pretty superficial compared to the older stuff. But i guess that is Hollywoods' thing nowadays


Great movie poster. One thing that should have been used more in the movie would have been the shields that cant be penetrated except slowly. Would have made for an interesting set of sex scenes 😂


Will there be any new update for the Behind the Dune? May be new scens and anymation?


I would like to add a scene with Yueh. I try to relax my mind to be in the mood for a good scene.


Anyone know how to get the game to work on mac