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Hello everybody!
On Discord, I have fun with the art some of you send to me. I was told you could enjoy my corrections, so here they are. The first is from Faceless, the second (you saw small sized last month) is from Harkosum.

I also did an animation for Alia's fans. But it won't be in my game because it's way too hardcore. I would be banned. So you will have to check my Pixiv to see it. Check the box that allows adult content in the settings. Sorry for the inconvenience.




Love the Alia animation :-)


excellent work, finally a little action with alia, even if it is out of the game, it is appreciated


update is great, but initial image style is lovely too


Good stuff but I am having trouble accessing the animation on your pixiv. Where is it?


The second line of thumbnails is called "Illustrations and Manga". The lefter thumbnail shows Alia, no?


It's true. It is cute, with nice colors. More vanilla than I usualy do :D The artist has posted some other stuff on Discord. https://discord.gg/ZQbWPaBf Feel free to show what you draw. I see you are among the artist Patreons. :)


Will there be a SWF version for the Alia stuff?

Mac Semm

Animation isn’t showing up for me on Pixiv either, do you have to have an account to see it? Edit: You have to have a pixiv account and go to setting and check the box that allows adult content.


I see. A Petreon says you:"You have to have a pixiv account and go to setting and check the box that allows adult content"


I've been a patreon of you for a few years and I didn't know that you have a pixiv account! I have followed you on pixiv too

Gary Edwards

You should recycle the Alia art in some way. It's too good to be left out entirely. You could always just make the endgame time-jump longer. *18 years later...* or whatever.


My God that Alia on pixiv is friggin amazing!


Interested in an adult Alia?... It's true I don't have young adults in the game!!!

Kortez Taylor

We need it boss man! We need more scenes in general I’m loving the game


give me more plz i beg of you! <3 you work ;)


don't worry. I won't stop drawing nice girls you know :D Did you mean you want specificaly more Lady Jessica? I added quite a few this year already.