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Download the EXE file (the turquoise button)
Install on your phone
Play on the site (Saves doesn't work well)

Hello! To have your save working, the name of the EXE/swf file must be the same and in the same folder all the time. So from now, I will call it VegaHunters.exe or swf.

-2 New characters you voted for. Carry and Lipplette. Animated, dressed and naked. Lipplette have her dialogues. She as some choices that keeps her dressed... it's still very easy though.

-The Rival menu works. Cobalt and Liplette (when unlocked) can follow you in the hunts.

-New Item for the hunts: the Sherlock lens. It's a capital file that you have found. When used, this item ends the hunt and makes you win it instantly. There is 1 loot box each round. 33% chance to have that lens (like for holograms and detectors).

-The characters have an undressing animation instead of a simple fade to black.

-Miss Dealyn has a sex scene. I will do more with her, but I was short with time. I wasted time with an animation that failed about Lt Cobalt.

I'm glad we have all the dialogues form the beginning to Bloody Otter. We approach the end and the judgment day!
I plan the next month soon. Stay tuned!




Very nice

troy jacquet

so will the all the hunts have movie only mode on them so we can choose weather to play or watch the sex scenes?


When you first hunt a character, you are not supposed to have the "movies only" option. Once you have found the character once, you can watch the movies only. It will be the same system for all the characters.

Reed Thompson

The 'install on your phone' option it's only giving me the .exe. Is the link fine and I'm just retarded, or do I keep fat fingering the top option?

Reed Thompson

Crisis averted, I got it working. I think there's a grammatical error though. When you're taking to an ally during the hunt, it says, "How do you feel it?" That should either be, "How are you feeling?" or "How do you feel?". Love the game btw. Hot babes aside, it's fun and easily repayable.


You like the replayability! Cool. The gameplay comes from the boardgame Diamant. I play it sometimes in family :) You are right for the English. It's full of mistakes. I used Google Translate so far. A pro will work on it later.

Andre Jackson

Is this game going to be more scene driven instead of story driven like behind the dunes?


Yes, I think I will keep it that simple. Like a gallery of characters. I'm thinking about another Behind The Dune-like game, with more dialogues and a city to visit. I hope i can start it at the beginning of 2020.


cant install on phone for some reason. im on android


Hello! Is it the first time it doesn't worK. The link works well. If pushing the link is not enough, push long to have the "save the linked file" option. Maybe re-download? If it doesn't work and you want a refund, just ask me.