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Hello everybody!
It's time for an update. Your previous save will not work, but it should work from now on. I unlocked last month characters to compensate.
Download here the EXE file
Install it on your phone
Play on that site (saves work less on sites)

-Once you win against a character, you can see her animations without playing again. Click on her and then on "Movies only".
-In the hunts, the rivals now have dialogues about their next move. They sometimes bluff... They are rivals.
-Soraya (the sexy robot) and Bloody Otter's strories are finished: Introduction animations+ dialogue+ sex.
-Soraya has 1 new sex scene, plus the old ones I have bring back and improved.
-Bloody Otter have 2 new sex scenes. The biggest animation this month is the blowjob (don't forget the rewind button to go on a previous step of the animation).
-Mildred has an updated appearance, more solid.

Next month it's time for Soliandre. I will also soon make you vote among sketches of some of your female OC. She will be added to Vega Hunters.





Very nice Sr


Could it be that the gun that carries our character is inspired by Quake 2?


Hm....is it normal for Mildred to be call dead in the story and yet be alive in the hunt right afther?


Exactly!!!! I played Quake2 a lot. I have many memories with it, like the madhouse where they transforme the guys into meat or something.


Hello! At the end, it will be possible to change the rival in the hunt. When Mildred disapeared, she will not be available for hunts.


if I play it a lot with friends on my PSX, it was a beautiful time

Flying M

So I know it's been a while since you asked for fan ideas for characters, but I had a few ideas I wanted to share: 1. A girl who uses some sort of powered armor or mecha, bonus points if she wears a skintight, semi transparent jumpsuit underneath. 2. Some sort of catgirl or other bestial race, although I certainly understand if you want to avoid furries.

Flying M

3. I don't know, some sort of reference to Alien or Predator...I think you should hit as many sci-fi tropes as you can with these characters honestly.


um... it makes me little bored to play this game. I do not understand why you stop to make continue about Behind the Dune?


I understand. I like RPGs but the scenario of book Dune was finished, the game was so big that it was starting to lag (and since i'm not a real developer I could not solve that), after that many years I wanted to do new character designs, and also a game in other langages, with an original soundtrack. My purpose is to go back on a RPG or something with a real adventure. I work secretly on that, but I have to wait the scenario of the author I found.

Austin Brown

im glad to see how far you keep progressing with each animation David. the blowjob scene had a lot of small movements that made good impact in the motion. just keep up the good work and do your best, though if I had to plug who im excited for still in the Vega Hunters scene...its the Empress XD

Anthony Rodriguez

Do I need to download the phone version on PC because I can't download it on my phone


Hello! I don't know how your phone works. Me sometimes, I have to long click on the link and press "save target", then I find the file in the Download file. If you never installed a Flash game on your phone, You could need to install AdobeAir: http://davidgoujard.com/elements/adobe.air-25.0.apk