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The animated Mildred is attached to this post and also there if you don't know what to do with a SWF file. I have put the old version of Mildred to compare. I like the old version because it's the first one, but I think the new one is more solid.
I work on the animations about her and Bloody Otter. You must recognize some old stuff on these screenshots. It's the Blade Runner parody. My favorite moment.
Right now, I sketch a threesome of them plus the player.




Mildred is better now, but I tend to favour her old body appearance : smaller boobs/tits without too much weight (more like Otter), and apparent clit added welcome variation to your chara design, wich actually tends to repeat a bit much to my taste (too many oversized boobs notably). Furthermore be careful about Mildred Head size reduction ; it adds even more contrast with body size, and leads to somewhat uncanny proportions...


Both body are great, I prefer the old face it's somehow more badass, but great job anyway. (Hello btw, I never post before, I love your work ^^ )


Very stylish game, like your character designs a lot. Probably said this many times already, but every time I see your game it inspires me a lot :)

Marcus Aurelius

I won't lie, I prefer the old version, I feel her bust looked better. But the new one undeniably has a smoother, more natural looking face, so its understandable why changes needed making. And oooh, a threesome, that lends itself to all sorts of promising images.


I like the current build it's sexier more badass and more attractive

Purple Witch

Older version's cleavage, and newer version artstyle indeed!