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This draw is just an idea, not a real project.

One day, I would like to work on a sexy chose your adventure ebook. It would be nice to follow a demonist or a necromancer. I have carefully read H.P. Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard, and listed all the spells they have described. From Zogar Sag to Joseph Curwen I have a Weird Grimoire with spells and their immoral protocols. Raising the dead, protecting treasures, summoning creatures, imprisoning peoples into jewels or figures, pacts with demons. It could brings interesting methods to solve the problems of an adventure.

One day, I would like to do something with that.




This sounds like a great idea! May I recommend you check out the author Amanda Clover? She writes naughty stories on Amazon and she did the theme you mentioned a few times on her writing.


That's be cool, you ever play any of Nikraria's stuff?


excellent sir, Lovecraft undoubtedly one of my favorite writers of horror stories


If you like weird magic, you should give Terry Pratchetts books a chance... they're comedy and not really serious, but still really damn creative!


Love this idea!


Un jeu sexy Lovecraft offre tant de possibilités.


Thank you for the advice. This lady wrote soooo many books! Some are "Choose your own adventure"! I should have a look.


Thank you. I had a short look. There is probably many artists doing that on Patreon. It's been a while I did not brows the site :(


:) I read some of his books. I rememeber "The 8th color" or something. I agree with you: parodic but also creative... wich is not obvious for parodies because they copy another novel.



Shade Meadows

A Sexy Lovecraft Tale... that does sounds nice~


Sounds interesting and intriguing, I definitely would like to see how this gonna be, especially with your style, would be amazing, if you wish to go ahead with this project, you absolutely can count with my support. :)


I just wanted to ask you how the game VegaHunters will continue. Since I have heard nothing more about it.


So Sexy, really great pic, nice colours.


She, looks like a younger Version of the Reverend Mother.


...C'est clair. Il n'y a qu'a voir tous les mangas à tentacules. C'est un puits sans fond cette affaire.


It's noted!!! It seems to motivate some people so i keep that in mind for later.


I eat friday with my developper, to know his new scheldure. But I won't wait for him. I need to continue the graphics. The 27th I color a new character. Even if there is no update of the full game before 2019, I will post single characters in SWF files.