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Here it is! Lots of fun with the princess Irulan this month. Enjoy this music you did not hear for so long.
Install on your phone
Play on that site


-3 animated draws for the spicehololic Irulan, near the end.
-Sketch added to the Harkonnen Ending.
-After the Harkonnens take back Arrakis, their harvest troop will be there.

-Legendary Music made by Stéphane Picq added!!!
-The softcore part (picture and text) of all the endings.
-The sex scene of the Harkonnen ending (At the end, say you'll kill the Empror and the Baron, then agree with the baron).
-The sex scene of the original book ending (Don't take Leto as a ghola, kill the Baron and marry Irulan to have her BJ).
-Blowjob and ridding of Jessica after you use the voice 4 times on her.
-Titfuck of Irulan.

Don't forget you can see the sexual scenes in the menu "SCENES", and also the "cheat" in clicking the smuggler's tower.

Download the EXE file 




thank you!

Simon the Pyro

Don't know if I'm just unlucky, but I got a corrupted data warning when I tried to download the phone file


The Game package is corrupt




It should be okay now. I guess it did not upload properly. Thanks for telling me so fast.


It should be okay now. I guess it did not upload properly. Thank for telling it that fast!


excellent sir


Are the two locked scene unlockable?


good update a lot of lady jessica and irulan obviously, like the touched of the harokken farming spice wonder if you will expand anymore with her like possibly being a spy instead of buying a ghola. Still noticing on the map the spice monopoly is there with the big text of "NOT CODED YET" so interested to see what you will do with that as well. ^^


No, it's not unlockable. It's a test. The ends of the game will be locked in the final version, very probably.


After meeting the first freeman and having her join your side, you have a typo. It says Other subjetc. when it needs to be Other subject. Love the game and continue to make such sexy content.


Thanks for telling me. We correct the mistakes these days, but, typically, you found a misstyping mistake, hard to find.


Still waiting the Smuggler recieve some love. -w-


Is Jessica poisoning me a thing that happens after one too many times using the voice on her?


Ah vraiment ça me gène de te le dire j'ai bcp de respect pour ton travail et je ne te le dis pas de manière irrespectueuse mais cette version est vraiment bizarre et blindée de bugs. Après l'attaque du palais, les personnages n'ont de cesse de mener des dialogues redondants (ex : Stilgar qui te parle encore du passage secret quand on est déjà dans un sietch). On peut se retrouver avec deux Jessica si elle était avec nous dans l'attaque. Et puis tu as retiré plein de trucs sympas (je suppose que tu vas les remettre mais en attendant sont pô là comme le sexe avec la Smuggler, ou la négociation pour baisser le prix des moissonneurs. Ta version originale a plus de charme. Bien sûr on peut me répondre "ben retourne y jouer connard", bon soit ... :P Mais je ne t'écris pas ça pour faire ma tête de con je tiens à le dire.


Salut! Pas de soucis. Merci pour ton retour. J'irai vérifier les choses dont tu parles. La version finale demandera du polissage. Pour l'instant je mets tous les graphismes dans le jeu. La contrebandière aura sa scène. Faut que je refasse l'animation des seins. Il manque aussi beaucoup de dialogues avec les gens qui accompagnent Paul. Ca viendra.


Phone install not working on android. Any pointers as to why or how to fix?


It's supposed to install AdobeAir first automticaly, but maybe it did not do it on your phone. You can find it in Google play. OR maybe because my APK files is not an official GooglePlay file, you have to allowed not licensed file to be run? Hard to know. If it still does not work, I can refund you.


so, the apk cant be installed on androids because its corrupted


The apk works. Your problem must be something else. Maybe install AdobeAir manualy if it did not do it automatically? Or allow not GooglePlay apps... I can't help. If you want, I can refund you.


every time i try to install the .apk file this is what I get: <a href="https://imgur.com/X91qfIw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/X91qfIw</a> I do have adobe air instlled ive uninstalled and reinstalled and even left it to the apk to attempt to install, but all i get is that the apk is corrupted. I would be willing to unpack the apk and try to figure out why it thinks the apk is corrupted but Id rather have you say its ok to do so.


:D Yes... I like this reference.


Everytime I click the link for install on phone it opens and closes


how do you cheat i don't get it also how do i unlock the 2 scenes at the end of the list is there loli with the little sister bty if not that's fine


Actually I figured it out you have to uninstall the previous version of Dune uninstall Adobe air restart your phone and then try. It worked for me