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Here is a version of what I called Vega Hunters (Logo on the upper side):
Play on your Internet Navigator
Install on your Android phone
For now, you won if you discover the name of Mildred's murderer.

What's new:
-The sheriff and the sexy robot are finished. Click on the belly of the maid robot for a secret detail.
-Lots of sketches so you have an idea of the incoming sex scenes: the umbrella girl tastes semen, and the maid robot have sex.
-Space travel is possible with the clickable map of the spaceship. 2 Planets for now.

I hope you will enjoy the references to old sci-fi... The Blade Runner point'n click should be funny when it's finished :D

Here is an EXE version






i like the name for this game

troy jacquet

Well I'm glad to see somes visual hands grab some boobs now. But why kill off Mildred.


Nice! Look forward to the rest!


Don't worry. When you know she is dead, you can go dig her grave at the cemetery. You won't find the body... good news.


More umbrella girl!


Looking to be a great game, very excited!


I would like that as well.


Such a great start, both story and the art quality! Any chance the game will have a selectable player character at start? Not necessarily full customization (as that would be a lot of work) but swappable? Like one character option would be to play as a mysterious human bounty hunter that never removes his helmet (like Boba Fett - Star Wars) perhaps another could more robotic like a (Geth in Mass Effect), etc. The current alien player character is cool but I'd like the option to be someone else.


Best part was when you could ask the dad to show you his tits.


Thank you for talking about the story. That can be a good idea to customize the character. I am working on the main character these days. That won't be the lezard guy that is in the game right now. An helmet.... that is not the most complicated customization. I will think about this kind of idea.


I am new in comments so I will kinda repeat what John said but I would kinda have different idea; what if we could have two different characters but other could be herm or female aka not male? Might not for everyone's taste but hey, it is new and new is good, right? Some lesbian scenes never really hurt anyone. ヽ(〃・ω・)ノ

Ghostly Haunt

If you zoom in on the sheriffs daughter there is a mouth present to her left like there is someone there talking (female mouth)..


Yes. It's temporary. It's Mildred's mouth. The explanation can interest you: since I have not finished the sherriff's daughter, I need to test if, at least, the signal to move the mouth was received correctly by the character. It means she open the mouth the right amount of time. So I took the clip of someone else's mouth. So I'm sure i coded well the character.


any change for ios? i am using my old ipad. really hope to play on that.


awesome work david. love the art style of your games


Hello! Okay for some lesbian scene. Good idea. Two different main characters... It's a good idea but it adds some work. But I can bring not male characters for some scenes... I'll thing about that.


Hello. I send you that link. I exported the game with a MAC option... i have no idea if that works. I don't have Apple products. Tell me if that works, please. <a href="https://mega.nz/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://mega.nz/</a>#!TlJVCRzR!2Ua2WPcRmwfiAjyRCwPT_rN6MmZJrmnlEIsjWiPah24


Thank you! I see can evolve a lot... my style is not yet at its maturity.


Hey David I tried downloading it (for the Mac) from the Mega link you included 3min ago but nothings downloading.


What an old link! :) But still working here. Mega had problems that week, and it got back to normal the day after. BUT, the game don't work on Mac. It's an EXE for window. Eventually, the internet site can work since it use a basic internet navigator.