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Hello, patrons!

First of all, WOW and thanks again for your support last month. Thanks to you, I've been really excited to work on more games. I'm actually releasing the second patron-funded world today, and have already started on some new ideas!

So, because of this new motivation, I have decided to remove "voting for new worlds" from the tier rewards for tier 3+ supporters. I know this might seem like a bummer, but I think it's for the best and good things will come from this decision all around. It was a tough choice, but my reasoning is:

-To keep up my motivation, be excited to work on the worlds I want to make, and not be tied down to specific poll results

-Some ideas have to be cancelled anyway, so I don't want to ruin a popular poll result because of technical problems with VRChat, etc.

-I ran out of ideas for design polls. Murder Game Modifiers was a very good poll (and I'll respect your voting results!), but apart from world voting I don't have any actual ideas for community design decisions.

-If I'm not going to be issuing polls, I should remove them as an "advertised" tier reward

-Why did I say there would be polls in the first place? I thought it would motivate me to deliver more often, but I am now learning that they would have the opposite effect.

-A common complaint from crowdfunded content creators on the internet (Youtubers, Patreon campaigns, etc) is that they lost interest once they start to lose too much creative control, and that they work best when simply being themselves. I want to avoid that type of burn-out early.

-I think you guys are awesome and I hope you'll continue to support me as a person and enjoy what I end up making. Of course I definitely think you'll still love the games, that won't change!

-I know Murder 4 is a really popular world idea, don't worry, I'm 100% working on it right now, it just takes time because it's a big project. I hope these smaller games will hold you over!

 -We only had two polls in July, but I 'll respect those poll results in the future. 

-If you are a supporter at the $10 level and don't want to continue at that level because of this change in patron benefits, I totally understand.

-Therefore I think it's better to change the rewards sooner rather than later.

You all are super awesome and I'm really lucky to have such great fans. Thanks for reading and I hope understanding!


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