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It feels so weird now that it's done. like "what do i do now" sort of situations. Don't get me wrong i still have tons of work i want to do and some stuff still in the works but for some reason i just feel so hazy and foggy about this release. Like for a year and 3 months this has been looming over my head, with all of its grandness and its hardships. the mountain of work and its weight suddenly feeling like its been lifted from me. 

I dont think ill make something ever as long as CW2, my ambition def got the best of me, though i still would like to make longer form content, and trust me i got tons of ideas for that. 

But god damn, it's really done after all this time, i am honestly baffled at it now. Hell that might mean i can actually take a break. before it was always a looming thing just above me. could never truely detach from it ya know? 

God damn im rambling hard. Dont know whats gonna happen going forward, but i seriously want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your support. without you lot i wouldn't have been able to pay the VA's and take more time to make these silly little animations. Thank you all so god damn much.



Thanks for all your hard work! You make some of the best and most unique content imo, and I’ve always been happy to be able to support you to help you continue to do so. Hope you’re able to give yourself a well deserved break.

Indexo's Vault

Amazing work as always, I say a break is more then earned my friend