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Eventually the traveling Argonian reached Bravil. The afternoon was calm with little activity on the streets. As she wandered the town, our Argonian spotted a group of fellow adventurers, one clad in iron with a sword, another dressed in robes, and the last sporting leather armor and a bow.

The trio eventually left the Argonian’s line of sight, though a serious question was raised in her mind.

Perhaps it would be better to specialize into a role instead of being a “jack of all trades, master of none?”

Later that evening while enjoying a meal at the local inn, she thought more on the important choice that faced her, it would no doubt heavily affect her adventuring career going forward. She needed style, she needed… Panache. Something cool! Something to really make her exploits something to talk about. Something like…

FIGHTER: Focusing on physical might and her weaponry, the Argonian will tackle challenges directly, opting to charge through the front door without much thought! This will make her more susceptible to traps and ambushes, however she may be able to turn the tides on them with reckless assaults!

MAGE: Taking a more cautious approach to challenges and quests, the Argonian will walk her paths slowly and cautiously, making her much more likely to spot traps or obvious ambushes. This class will also allow her to learn magic*! (*Eventually. She wont start with any spells.) Eventually she’ll get powerful spells that will turn a surefire defeat into a victory! Though the cool down after use might make her more vulnerable if she mistimes it.

THIEF: Old habits die hard, but this time she won’t have a team using her as a patsy. Returning to her roots will make the adventurer approach quests and challenges in more clever, indirect ways, opting to go in a back door rather than the front. Putting her old skills back into practice, she is much less likely (if at all) to be hit by traps, with a chance of using those very traps against her foes! Although it’s highly unlikely she’d be able to do much if she gets ambushed, or placed into a fair fight.

From now on, Shops will stock one item related to the Argonian’s class.

Which class will she become? YOU DECIDE! https://www.strawpoll.me/45847456

The voting will end after 3 days of this posts release



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