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I've mostly been working on stuff that would go against the ToS of patreon (more beasital lewds) and all that jazz, same reason why i haven't been posting those animations here as well. 

Im also thinking of changing how i do patreon, Maybe have it as 1$ being a pure tip jar, 3 dollars gets you access to all the work in progress stuff ( Wip images and test renders), and 5 dollars either being a voted animation or Early access to finished projects. Be it just a little before release or up to 3 days, i'm not 100% sure on what to do with it! 

 Tell me what you think and/or if there would be anything you'd like to see! 



Maybe like an “art” tier that gets 1 “request” idea per month?


i thought of that for a while, but i can see that getting out of hand very quickly for several reasons,


True, but it could always be limited to say only 1-3 openings and only simple animations.