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*copy pastes what he wrote on the piczel post*


you know... i've been thinking a lot about the quest board/dungeon dive series recently...., about what i liked and what it really meant for me

i started it thinking it would be a nice way to interact with my followers, i enjoy having a vote thing and making something dependent on what people liked, i liked doing this

it got me more into making stories as well, it could be said that without the quest board there wouldn't be a argonian series today

i like to commission my friends to draw those goofy wanted posters, half of which i still haven't used yet

i was a little too ambitious with the dungeon dive, and i 100% don't regret the idea at all but i have to say it was made mostly out of a feeling to give more to my patreons

along with making a sorta story, something that i kinda already am doing with the argonian series,

really it was just a mix of the argonian adventures and the normal quest board now that i really look at it, short contained story following a single character tho their adventure.

I just like making characters i guess.....even though their not that well made and are basicly tropes, i like giving em little backstories and all that nice and interesting and tidy jazz.
And then i want to lewd those characters cause hey their designed that way, i will say that now that i really look at em......

Most of them are a bit......safe huh? like out of all of the adventurers only 2 of them aren't human, AND ONLY 2 ARE FUTA WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME

like i made this series to do some cool stuff but maybe that's just me thinkin people wouldn't vote for em cause their strange....

which from what i've seen is thankfully wrong! suzo, zeena and Adra being the strongest vote wise, just tells me i need to do some of the more stranger designs that i've been holding onto,

like a battle alchemist with 4 arms or something as simple as a fucking goblin, also tells me that i need to do more interesting boards like that werewolf X Adra animation, i enjoyed making that one!
i just want to do more with this i guess

So i've sorta come to this conclusion, i should drop the dungeon dive series for now, and keep the mini quest board as a patreon thing

there may be random quest board animation if i feel like doing something with em, just one offs you know? or just put up a out of the blue 3 day voting thing, i dunno! i will most likely do that so just a heads up!


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