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Returning to the companians after her visit to the shrine, our argonian was ready and willing to take on another contract, bursting though the front doors she confidently asks
for a new contract!

"Sorry shield sister but there are none open right now, all of em have been taken by the other members and i don't trust you with some of these tougher ones....."

"But why don't you go out and explore the roads for those in need of help, might even run into a few bandits to combat, That is what it truely means to be a compaion."

Traveling across the roads far from whiterun, exploring around the area for caves or other places to raid later, But came across a wounded khajiit!

Dressed up in what seems like a merchants outfit the poor cat was grasping at her side, clearly having trouble breathing, Walking up to the unlucky merchant she looks up to her a says

"Thank the gods, you don't look like a bandit, certainly not one of those who attacked us and left this one to her death, .....Sorry to ask but think you can help this one?


Reaching into her pouch, the adventurer takes out and hands the khajiit one of her healing elixers ( those things aren't cheap you know )

After a few minutes of letting the potion take effect, the injured merchant slowly stands, giving her thanks to her reptilian saviour, leaning on a rock she speaks

"My name is Ajisha, i was traveling with my caravan when we were attacked by bandits, we were all exhasted from the long trip, It all happened so fast......we couldn't fight back.
A arrow hit this ones side start the start of it, i fell to the ground thinking i was going to die, but it would seem that wasn't my fate,
i don't know how long i was asleep for but when i woke up i-i couldn't see any of my companions."

With a tears starting to well up in her eyes, the argonian holds her and states everything is going to be alright now, Deciding the best option would be to take her back to whiterun,
the scaled hero lifts Ajisha's arm around her shoulder starting the long, slow walk back to the city.




I hope their are some sexy time between thies two.