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Gfycat . Mp4 . MEGA 

Sheepishly continuing after the previous trap, suzo slowly and cautiously forwards onwards further into the hideout, going from room to room looking for anything that could cover up her naked body.

Searching the various rooms further onwards it becomes clear that this whole place can't be the hideout of just the one criminal, with multiple living spaces and treasure piles spread out though this large underground complex, the soft spoken mage wonders if that goblin she ran into earlier was a actual adventurer or just another criminal that used to live here cleaning out before jumping ship.  

Eventually she comes across a room that looked very well lived in, clothing hanging off a cloths line just above a rucksack, with small fireplace and a chest just beside the campsite, Moving closer to "borrow" the clothing that's currently on the line, the chest bursts open, with a swarm of gloves flying out towards suzo.

Casting Dis-enchant towards the mass of enchanted hand wear while running backwards,
she was only able to stop a few of them before the rest reach the snake sorceress, grabbing and lifting her slightly off the ground! 

Overwhelmed and out of mana, Suzos mind goes blank from the from the constant stimulation from the groping hands, Several hours later she regains her consciousness, finding herself being carried by a unknown female orc, suzo softly asks  "whats happening"  the orc then explains that she is also a adventurer and found suzo passed out surrounded by several wet gloves, and that shes taking her back into town 

Still exhausted and tired from her recent adventure, Suzo snuggles up into the kind adventurers arms,  Ending this dungeon dive.


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