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Gfycat . Mp4 . MEGA 

Goblin PoV

Gfycat . Mp4 . MEGA 

Making her was past the entrance Suzo continues down the winding cave way it's clear that she hasn't been the only one to have entered this hideout recently, Looted chests and smashed pots litter the hallways and side rooms of this underground maze, when suddenly in the distance she spots a small shadowy figure, worst of all the small figure seems to have noticed suzo! 

The pint sized adventurer raises her hands and seems to start preparing a fireball spell, illuminating the small figure to reveal that it's a goblin, Quickly defusing the spell before it's completion with a quick counterspell, Suzo quickly flings her own arcane magics, hopefully putting her foe asleep and resolve this quickly

It would seem the goblin knows a fair bit of magic herself, or at least enough magic protection to resist Suzo's sleep magic, suddenly the small green mage raises her hands, and shards of ice start forming around her  

thankfully due to the amount of rubble around her, she was able to get to cover before getting hit by the small shards of ice

Seemingly at a standstill the Goblin yells out a interesting proposition, claiming that her bags are nearly full of treasures already, she suggest a little trade to leave her on her way to explore the rest of this run down hideout, a deal that wouldn't cost her a single coin! 



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