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All Jan HD files is available please check link and use password below
This month password may132165ds
If you have any issue please contact me

Update Note : All ofApril2023 HD files and PSD available to dowload.

Previous HD content that was remove from hosting files site I'm upload to my store with some free content pack please check link below


Sync | Secure cloud storage that protects your privacy



I can't find the picture on your cover. Is there a complete one? I sponsored you


Sorry for make mistake tgat one is not content on Patreon tgat art I do before. I'm started run Patreon page. You can get some of art I did on my Gumroad Please check link on my Gumroad. Thank you.


Sarge, your gumroad link in this post is broken, any idea what's up with that lol? Speaking of, I wanted to ask, would you be willing to upload each month of your work to gumroad, each as a separate/individual content pack? I imagine it'd be a lot of work, so if you're willing to do so no rush. I've seen people put their work up for money on gumroad, then offer their patrons discount codes that reduce the cost to 0. They do this so people who aren't patrons can still buy their art, but patrons always have an infinitely accessible server to download their content from that isn't reliant on your Sync folder. Since you seem to be running into storage issues with that, you might consider this lol.


Hello Artorian thank for alway support me. And give me helpful advice. I'mappreciated. That sound good. I try to figure out how that code working. And try to use it maybe on next month. Let me try first. For Gumroad link I was edit that like but seem still not working but copr and place to browser it work. I think I will create new post for this one. Thank you so much :)